How to Find an Old Lost Love


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As time passes, we begin to miss people we used to enjoy being with more and more. One might even start to wonder how to find a long-lost love. In the digital age, discovering an old sweetheart’s whereabouts has never been easier. You can easily find people on social media with the help of online social media screening services. All you need is some time and patience. It’s free or quite affordable to find people online.

How to Find an Old Lost Love

Use a PeopleFinder

These websites search a wide variety of online resources, photo directories, and public records to find people across the country. You can narrow the search down by city or state or just look them up by name. The best people finders also have a reverse address and phone number lookup, so if you have an old address, you might be in luck. Most providers will give you a free landline and current address. A cell number and other details probably won’t be free of charge.

Search LinkedIn

If you went to school together, you can use the social medium to search for alumni. Type the school your ex went to and follow the link to the institution’s page on LinkedIn. You can limit your results by year of graduation or years of attendance.

If you don’t find them, the results might include mutual friends you had. You can message them and ask them politely if they know where your love is now and what they’re up to. Do a search using his old job as well.

Public Record Search

If you want to find out whether they might have gotten married or divorced, public records are well worth a shot. If you know their married name, it could be easy to see if they’re still married. You can get useful information from the National Center for Health Statistics’ website, which has links to all 50 states. Click on the one for yours and call the office of the county, where they were married. It might be possible to do this online.

School Networks

If you went to high school together, check for an alumni association of your school. Many schools maintain former student lists to invite them to reunions or ask for donations. The school might be able to send your ex a message that you’re looking for them. They won’t give you any personal information about them for privacy reasons.

Deep Web Search

Websites like Pipl can scour sites on the Deep Web, which are invisible to Google. If your ex was the type of person who liked to keep a low profile, you might not find anything on the “regular” internet. Pipl can find someone who’s posted on a password-protected forum or private database. You can search by location or by name in different states. You’ll get a report of the results that includes their name, phone number, address, and any social network information. You might even get a current photo or a list of relatives and friends so you can make sure you’ve got the right person.

If You Find Them

If you manage to find them, consider that time has passed and make room for the ways in which you may have changed as people. You may have children now, or they might. Your priorities might be different than they were in the past. The way they feel about you will determine the future of your relationship.

Your priorities and any financial obligations could turn out to be a source of conflict. If either of you has had a bad marriage in your past, this will affect your encounter.

Maintain Realistic Expectations

One or both of you might have obligations not only to children but also to older parents and careers. The days of endless opportunity and pleasure may well have passed. Sometimes it’s just the memory of someone that we’re in love with. While those memories are undeniably pleasant, there’s reality to reckon with. Maybe you were together a very long time ago. Or maybe not. Who knows? You never will unless you at least make an attempt to find them. With our tips, your prospects definitely improve.


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