Steps to Build a New Blog for Beginner Bloggers


Table of Contents

Creating and start a blog is not difficult, you can start from the free one first. For example, using the Blogger, WordPress, Medium, or Tumblr platforms. The essence of blogging is writing, so as long as you can regularly put your thoughts into writing – no matter the platform, you can already be called a blogger. But if you intend to make blogging a profession. You need more than just writing because you have to earn money. You must be able to make blogs as assets and writing as products that are sold to visitors. Then monetize that visitor traffic into revenue.

Steps to Build a New Blog for Beginner Bloggers

The process to get to “make money blogging” is long and tortuous. Before you get there, you need to know what it takes, how it works, how to get started, and what to do after your first blog is created. For this reason, this article exists. To help you understand what steps to take next after the first stage, which is creating a blog, you have passed.

First of all, you need to create a blog on one of the aforementioned platforms. After your blog is finished, what is the next step so that the blog is flooded with traffic (visitors), known or read, and brings in income for those who want to lead to this stage later? First of all, get rid of your thoughts about money. Because to get there, there is a long process that requires not only energy but also a total sacrifice, starting with time, though, and money (at least if you use private hosting).

1. Complete Blog Navigation

Regardless of what platform you use, navigation is the most crucial element. Navigation consists of menus that are mandatory on a blog. Among other things, blog profile pages, user terms and conditions, contacts, privacy policies, and categories will contain a collection of articles on specific topics.

2. Write the First Article

If in WordPress, you will find a default text entitled Hello World! When your first blog is created, you should delete it and replace it with your first post. For starters, you can introduce yourself and who you are, then the blog will tell you about what, why to blog, and so on. Although it seems trivial, this simple writing will feel very valuable to be forgotten one day.

3. Improve Display

Many novice users are stuck with the stigma that blogs must look beautiful, have lots of features, have sliders, lots of colors, and are filled with pictures, videos in the sidebar, etc. Things like that do not necessarily make visitors feel comfortable. The most important thing is how to make the blog run quickly and smoothly on the user’s device. Especially now that people have started moving from desktop to mobile, strange features like those mentioned above will not appear all in mobile browsers. Even if it seems it will make the page load heavy.

4. Logo and Favicon

No less critical, create a logo for your blog header. If you have trouble, you can also hire the services of someone who can create a logo. You can employ your colleagues, family, or friends. Or find design services on forums and social media.

5. Submit Blog to Google Search Console or Webmaster Tool

Google Search Console: Google Webmaster Tool used to be a tool, and if you want to be a serious blogger, you need to get to know and learn the inside. From an SEO perspective, Google Search Console is your bodyguard as well as your analyst because it provides complete information about how your site functions in the Google search engine, how the number of backlinks and their effects are, how secure is the blog, how is its reputation, the number of indexes, and others.


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