5 Tips for Male Waiters on How to Get Higher Tips


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Waiting on tables isn’t a glamorous job, but it pays the bills, and when you master your craft, it can even pay for much more than the bills. Successful waiters make a very good living, but the key is to learn how to increase your tips. Here are 5 basic things you can do to make sure that you go home with a rich amount of tips each and every night.

5 Tips for Male Waiters on How to Get Higher Tips

1. Get to those tables quick

People who dine out don’t mind waiting for their meal, but they do like to know that their meal is on the way at some point. Getting to each table as quickly as you can, taking drink orders, and evaluating the mood of the table is vital. Prompt service is something that really impresses big tippers. They’re eager to reward you for a job well done, but you have to make sure that you live up to your end of the bargain. Promptness counts.

2. Introduce yourself

Taking orders is your job, sure, but it doesn’t hurt to be very personable and put yourself on a first name basis with your guests. By saying hi and being friendly but professional, you increase your chances of scoring a better tip. You also increase your chances of being happy in your job, as being a “people person” tends to be something richly rewarded in a service profession. You get to meet people, connect with them, and really do something that gives them a nice breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Make it count.

3. Get some training

Certain types of waiters, such as topless male waiters Sydney, are likely to get some kind of training when they enter their profession. Other types of waiters may have the option to take part in some kind of training. If you get the opportunity to get professional training, do it. There are many people who make a handsome living as a waiter. When you get professional training, you increase your chances of joining the ranks of waiters raking in bigger money.

4. Explain add-ons

Drinks and desserts are both things that guests often order, but maybe nothing put them in the mood for some great cake or an extra drink. By mentioning something on the menu that you think they might like, you are reminding them that there are still more good things to eat and drink. If they don’t order dessert, you can politely and in a friendly way mention a great dessert that might go well with the meal they just finished. Make it sound as appetizing and even exciting as possible, as it might increase the chances that they’ll order. The more they order, the higher your tip is going to be.

5. Leave a note

The receipt is your chance to make an impression. Draw a doodle or sign your name thanking them for having the chance to serve them. It’s a small thing, but remember, little things mean a lot, especially in a profession where it’s your job to make people happy. You’re giving them a memorable meal and experience, a true social event, and in some ways, you’re a showman. Show off your gratitude for being able to brighten their day by leaving a brief, but sincere, note on their receipt. Many studies show that this increases the likelihood that they’ll leave a bigger tip, especially when combined with a truly good performance of waiting on their table.

You’re the person who is going to benefit most from bigger tips, so practicing these techniques is always a wise idea. If you feel like you’re not being friendly enough, practice your friendliness and professionalism with people you’re already comfortable with, and then you can apply those techniques the next time you wait on your tables. Work at being more prompt and getting better at reading people. Some guests will want a waiter who is very sociable and plays a big part in the meal. Others may just want to enjoy their meal with the people they with and just get prompt, friendly service. As a waiter, you’re part showman and part psychologist. With time, you’ll get better at both jobs.


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