Top Off Page SEO Techniques 2023


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On the internet everyone is trying to make sure that their website is available in the top rank. In order to achieve such objective, the website holders need to consider the way of SEO services. These types of services are providing lots of benefits and boosting the rank. For achieving such objective, the individuals have two major options such as –

  • On page SEO
  • Off page SEO

Many people are focusing on the off page SEO for boosting the traffic from external sources. There are different types of sources available when it comes to achieve objectives related to the off page SEO. The Free social bookmarking submission sites are becoming useful in creating quality back links and considered as the off page SEO source.

Top Off Page Seo Techniques 2019

In the upcoming paragraphs I’m going to share some major techniques for off page SEO. I am sharing such details on the basis of my own experience. I found these ways effective and a good result providing source.

Answer questions

The interested ones can participate in the answer question sessions on the internet. All these things are becoming a reason for lots of benefits. Here, you can interact with different types of users. On the basis of all these things, you can make sure that what kind of content users like and what you need to upload.

When you are going to start such kind of sessions then you need to focus on various factors such as – selection of question topic and so on. Try to create questions related to the niche of own website.

Article submission

Another important technique for off page SEO is related to the submission of article. On the internet, there are various article submission platforms available. All these platforms allow the users to submit information related to a specific niche.

Here, the interested ones should try to make their article as good as possible. For such a task, you should try to add information as much as possible.

Local listing

Local listing can be considered as the best source for off page SEO. When it comes to choose the way of local listing then the individuals need own website first. With it, they are required to focus on the type of business they have.
For such a task, you need to consider some online maps. Mainly these types of services are offered by the search engines.

Photo sharing

Sometimes, the users are sharing different types of images on their websites. These images are also becoming useful in off page SEO. For such a task, the users need to take help from some specific sources. Mainly these sources are related to the image sharing platforms.

On the internet, you can find numerous similar sources. It depends on the users that with which they are feeling comfortable. For getting impressive results, you should try to choose as more platforms you can.

Social bookmarking

It can be considered as a great source of off page SEO. In order to perform related activities, you can take help from free social bookmarking sites list. When you are going to search for these types of sources then you can find lots of options on the internet.

Try to consider a reputed one. A reputed source is available with numerous users. As more users a source have, the chances of getting success become higher.


Choosing blog marketing is becoming a great option when it comes to get online success. There are many individuals putting efforts in creating blogs and providing high quality content. Another key fact about the blog marketing is that it can be considered as the Do-Follow source of SEO. I would like to recommend the guest blogging to get the quality back link.

You can also search the guest posting sites by using the guest posting search queries such as technology write for us guest post and technology guest post.

Blog marketing

If we talk about the blog marketing then it is also known as the blog commenting. Here, the interested ones can comment on the blogs of other individuals. Try to share own links in such comments.


These are some effective off page SEO techniques that I found highly useful. There are some more sources available such as – forum marketing, social networking sites, guest posting and so on.


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