Benefits of Getting a Government Job?


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Getting a Government job has its own set of benefits. The first and foremost benefit of working for the Government is that there is job security.

Therefore, it is a known fact that there will be many aspirants looking for a Government job.

Benefits of Getting a Government Job?

There are a number of Government sectors like

● Civil Services

Civil services are one of the most respected jobs in the country. It includes services like Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Police Services and Indian Foreign Services (IFS).

The civil services employees are directly involved in the administration of the country.


The Public Sector Undertakings or the PSUs are highly prestigious jobs in certain Government undertakings.

Some Public Sector Undertakings are National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Coal India Limited (CIL) to name a few.

● State Public Service Commission

On the lines of the UPSC is the SPSC or the State Public Service Commission.

The State Public Service Commission is state-oriented and the commission submits a performance report to the Governor of the State annually.

Unlike a Union Public Service Commission that submits a performance report annually to the President

● Government lecturer

A lecturer in a Government college or institution is a highly respected post.

Aspiring lecturers need to clear the National Eligibility Test (NET) before qualifying to be a Government Lecturer.

● Defense services

The Defence Services in India are categorised into three sectors. Namely the Indian Airforce, The Indian Navy and The Indian Army.

All these sectors are directly controlled and managed by the Ministry of Defence of the Government of India.

● Bank

The Banking Sector is very attractive to youngsters these days.

The working hours and the requirement of basic academic qualification are the most attractive features of the banking sector

● Government Doctors and Scientists

The medical profession itself is a highly prestigious profession and a doctor working for the Government adds to this prestige.

Being able to work for the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) or any other Government hospitals brings honour and glory to you.

All the jobs in these Government sectors have different eligibility criteria and qualifying examinations.

Aspirants who fulfil all the eligibility criteria are also required to pass the qualifying examinations and interviews before being selected for a particular post in the Government sector.

The very fact that securing a Government job requires you to pass tough qualifying examinations, shows the calibre of Government workers and the prestige attached to it.
Preparing for the competitive qualifying examinations can be a daunting task.

However, with the internet today, your access to the Best Education Portals to guide you through the preparation, is just a click away.

Let’s look at some of the major benefits of Government jobs.

Job security

Unlike the private sector, Government jobs provide job security to their employees.

On very rare occasions the Government departments relieve employees of their postings.
Government jobs provide unparalleled job security.

High paying jobs

One of the benefits of working for the Government is that they offer lucrative salaries to its employees.

What’s more is that the salaries are credited into accounts on time, every month.

Unlike a private company which may or may not credit salaries on time, depending on the profits or losses of that company.

Pensions and other retirement benefits.

A pension is a regular payment made by the Government to its retired employees.
This gives a sense of security to a Government employee’s life.

Apart from pensions, retired Government employees enjoy other perks like Provident Funds, Gratuity and arrears of salary.

All these extra monetary benefits are some of the attractive reasons to work for the Government

Medical assistance

Health care today is very expensive. A small procedure may cost you lakhs of rupees.

However, Government employees enjoy the benefit of medical assistance or medical coverage for medical procedures.

No overtime

Government employees have fixed working hours. The government office usually functions within fixed hours in a day.

These offices rarely extend operational hours. Therefore, in almost all cases, Government employees rarely have to work overtime.

With fixed working hours, it is easy for Government employees to participate in other family activities after office hours or over the weekends.


It is a matter of prestige and honour to be working for the Government of your country.
Such a post is a privilege and earns you a lot of respect in society.

Decision making

Government openings in the UPSC civil services allow you to directly take part in the decision-making process of the Government.

Since the civil services command a lot of responsibility, cracking the UPSC examinations are tough.

However, there are a number of guidelines available online on how to crack UPSC in first attempt.

These suggestions and recommendations can go a long way to help in clearing the UPSC examinations and thereby enjoy civil services job benefits.


Apart from monetary benefits, many Government employees like IAS officers enjoy certain other benefits like access to Government transport facilities and housing.

Also, due to the risky profile of the job many IAS officers are provided with personal security.

Some IAS officers are also provided with additional perks like domestic help, cooks, gardeners and drivers.

This leads to a luxury lifestyle by Government civil service employees.

Diplomatic Immunity

One of the civil services employee benefits is that many officers who are diplomats of the country enjoy diplomatic immunity.

This means that they have safe passage at all times and cannot be persecuted or charged in the host country’s laws.


Government employee promotions are purely based on the service period in a particular sector.

Unlike in the private sector, where academic qualification and experience may count for promotion.

In government sectors, the longer you work the higher the chances of the promotion.

Promotions in the private sectors, on the other hand, depends on the Director or chairman of the company

Not stressful

Another benefit of working in the Government sector is that the work is not stressful.
Private companies usually have deadlines to meet and target to achieve.

However, in the Government sector very rarely you have deadlines or targets. The Government jobs are smooth

Although Government jobs have many advantages, it does not come without its disadvantages. Some of the few disadvantages are:

Working atmosphere

Government offices are usually drab and plain, unlike private sector offices and buildings which look hi-tech and modern.

The working atmosphere in a Government office is usually slow and lazy.

Hard work of a few

Many Government employees complain that only a few employees work diligently while others relax in the office.

However, Governments from time to time have been putting measures in place to ensure the efficient functioning of every sector of the Government.

The Government, through its several working policies, is trying to reduce Government department lethargy, making the offices more transparent and responsible.

In a press release under the Press Information Bureau, Dr. Jitendra Singh enumerated the several steps taken by the Government to ensure transparency in Governance and improve Public Services delivery.

Red Tapism

Government employees complain of red-tapism and high levels of control from higher officers.

Though there are a few disadvantages, the number of benefits of working in the Government sector outdo the disadvantages.

Usually, the Government announces vacancies in newspapers or on the Government department’s official websites.

For the latest updated information on Government vacancies refer here.


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