Quartz Surface Manufacturers | How is Your Favorite Countertop Made?


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Quartz surface manufacturers can be found around the globe. Quartz, like a countertop, has grown to become one of the most recognized materials for surfaces in recent times. They add a great deal of pizzazz to your homes. They are very durable and come in a variety of colors and textures to choose from. All this and more qualities of quartz makes it a hot favorite. But at the bottom of it all, there are several questions that people tend to ask for quartz surfaces manufacturers and others with keen insight into the topic. One such question is how exactly gold-veined quartz countertops are made.

We are no strangers to the information that quartz surfaces are not naturally occurring like granite. So, how is it exactly that quartz is turned into this magnificent piece of surfer that is simply spellbinding?

How is your favorite countertop made

If you are possessed with this and many simple questions, don’t worry, we will help you with the right answers. So, let’s first start by understanding how quartz countertops are made.

Mining/extraction of quartz

The first step in the process is extracting quartz from the ground. Yes, quartz does occur naturally in nature but not in the ready form that something like granite does. Hence, they need to be extracted in their general form. This is a common process that many quartz surfaces manufacturers have to deal with. There are different units that expertise in the mining of quartz and, various stations across locations in India, the USA, and Brazil, to name a few, are set up for the extraction process. This process also continues. The more extraction happens, the greater number of quartz surfaces will be there for you and more.

90% Quarts to other minimal ration is required

Once quartz is extracted, it is then scaled extremely carefully to up to 90% quartz. Depending on the type which Silestone, Cambria, or any other group it is extracted in, the percentage of quartz differs. So, it becomes necessary that the quartz material comes up to at least 90%. Once the scaling is done properly it is then crushed.

Crushing and mixing

The following step after scaling requires crushing the quartz further and then mixing it with various other minerals, including pigments and resins. This is yet again, a complex process that requires a whole lot of expertise in uncertain engineered and natural minerals and stones.

Pressurizing the minerals

Once the mixing process is complete, the engineering part begins where an unimaginable amount of pressure is applied to the mixed batch to turn them into slabs of quartz. In a controlled environment, these days are made and then furthered into the process.


Once the slabs are finishing pressurizing, they are moved to the final stage where it is worked upon. It is made sure that the slabs are nonporous and for home use. They are finished in a variety of colors and patterns that you can choose from.

Now that the quartz surface manufacturing is out of the picture let’s look at some of the most commonly asked queries people have about surfaces and countertops – especially quartz.

Which is cheaper – quartz or granite?

Both quartz and granite are expensive. Their rates vary by only a couple of bucks. In other words, both quartz and granite have a very neck to neck pricing.

Are quartz countertops heat resistant?

A simple answer to it would be, no. But then, it also depends on the amount of heat you expose it to. It is advised that you keep the quartz surface away from high amounts of heat because it is not meant to resist heat.

What are the best qualities of quartz surfaces?

There are several positive qualities of quartz surfaces. Let’s begin by saying that they come in a whole lot of designs and colors to choose from. They are nonporous so water doesn’t sink in the material and, of course, their maintenance cost is way less than if you compare it with its competitor, granite. If you have got the bucks, and you are looking to get the best material for your kitchen surface then nothing beats quartz surfaces.

So this is it. All you need to know about how your favorite quartz surface manufacturers get to you the bat of quartz countertops is here to read. Do you have any more questions you would like to get resolved? Shoot it up in the comments below and, we will try to get it sorted for you.


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