NDIS Support Coordination


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What is Support Coordination?

Support coordination services help people to understand their NDIS plan to the fullest, making it possible to fully utilise your plan. A person might get fundings, especially for support coordination depending on whether it matches the individual’s personal needs and goals. This also depends on a mental illness you may have.

NDIS Support Coordination

What do they do?

There are many things a support coordinator does, but basically they focus on your goals and needs. They will also try to understand your NDIS plan better and help you with all of your plans. They generally help you access mainstream services and generally help you become more independent in your personal life as well as helping you keep in touch with your close friends and family. Similar to your NDIS plan, they also help you to understand your NDIS plans more thoroughly. However, you should know that a support coordinator can’t do anything without your consent and they are only there to guide you to your way of independence. Lastly, your support coordinator should help you with some decisions you might need to make by breaking the problems into smaller and easily understandable parts. You can also visit ndis coordination of supports for more details.

NDIS Support Coordination Qualifications

It is important for the individual who’s trying to qualify for support coordination to have taken a course in the field they are applying for. Also having at least 2 years of experience is a must-have, the individual can accomplish this through community service, part-time or full-time jobs. The individual qualifying also needs to have good decision-making skills as that is really essential for being a support coordinator. The individual is also expected to have a driver’s license and have at least a basic knowledge of technology.

NDIS Support Categories

There are three basic types of support, which are:

  1. Core supports
  2. Capacity-building supports
  3. Capital supports

Core supports

These supports help you with your day-to-day living needs. Some examples house-chores, cleaning or garden maintenance. Consumables are also funded in the name of core supports such as low-cost assistive technologies and equipment to increase your independence.

Capacity-building supports

Capacity-building helps individuals to learn and build new skills to help them to their goals. The categories of these capacity-building supports are:

  • Support Coordination: You can check out a detailed explanation of what support coordination is on our website.
  • Improved Living Arrangements: A support to improve living conditions.
  • Increased Social and Community Participation: Support in order to improve your social life.
  • Finding and Keeping a Job: This support helps the individual to keep a job via assessments and trainings.
  • Improved Learning: Training, advice, and help with your education.
  • Improved Life Choices: This service helps the individual to make better life choices, thus living in an improved daily life

Capital Supports

Capital supports help the individual with high-technology devices for an improved life. Capital supports have two categories. These categories are:

  • Assistive Technologies: These include items like wheelchairs and communication devices.
  • Home Modifications: Handrails or home-installments are included in this support as well as special accommodation for people who might need it.

NDIS Support Coordinators in New South Wales

Registered NDIS support coordinator scan help you understand your NDIS plan and help you with your decision making. That is why our hardworking support coordinator specialists will try to give you the best service possible.


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