Deep Relaxation Sequence & Relief from Stress



Deep Relaxation Sequence & Relief from Stress

1. Lie down on the floor or on a firm bed and have pillows for support if desired one under your head and another under your knees which will support your lower back.

2. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths through your nose, then breathe out through your mouth with a sigh … (If you are recording this or guiding a friend through the sequence, remain silent for about 30 seconds before moving on to the next instruction.)

3. Now become aware of your feet Inhale through your nose, tighten your feet by first pointing your toes, and then flexing your feet towards your body. Hold on to this tension for a slow count of five…Now let them relax as you breathe out with a sigh.

4. A Become aware of your knees. Inhale through your T nose, tighten your knees, holding on to the tension for a slow count of five… Now let them go as you breathe out with a sigh.

5. Allow your attention to move to your thighs. Inhale through your nose, tighten your thighs. Holding on to the tension for a slow count of five…Breathing out with a deep sigh of relief, let go of your thighs. Feel a wonderful sensation of release.

6. Now think of your buttocks. Inhale through your nose, tighten your buttocks, holding on to the tension for a count of five… Now let them go as you breathe out with a deep sigh of relief.

7. Now become aware of your abdomen. Inhale through your nose, tighten those muscles, holding on to the tension for a count of five… Then release, breathing out with a deep sigh.

8. Allow your attention to move to your chest. Inhale through your nose, tighten those chest muscles for a slow count to five… As you breathe out with a sigh. Let go and relax.

9. Move your awareness to your shoulders. Breathe in/through your nose, hunch your shoulders, pull them up towards your ears, holding on to the tension for a slow count of five… Nov release your shoulders as you breathe out with a deep sigh.

10. Think of your hands. Breathe in through your nose, tighten your hands into fists, holding on to the tension for a count of five… Now release your hands as you breathe out with a deep sigh of relief.

11. Allow your attention to move to your arms. Tighten your arms. Feeling the tension right down to your fingertips. Hold on to that tension for a count of five… As you breathe out through your mouth, let go and relax. Follow more post from my blog such as 7 health fact about yoga.

12. Think of your neck. Breathe in through your L nose. Now arch your neck, holding on to the tension for a count of five… Release the tension as you breathe out through your mouth.

Allow your attention to focusing your face and scalp.

13. Take a deep breath through your nose, now clench your jaw and screw up your face into a terrible grimace, holding on to the tension for a slow count of five… Now breathe out through your mouth with a deep sigh of relief. Experience a wave of deep relaxation moving over your whole body, from the top of your head right down into your toes. Experience a wonderful sensation of release… (If you are recording this or guiding a friend, remain silent for about a minute before moving on to the next instruction.)

14. Become aware of your body again and ‘feel’ around with your mind for any areas that may still be tense. Repeat the tightening and releasing of muscles until you feel deeply relaxed. (If you are recording this or guiding a friend, remain silent for five to ten minutes before moving on to the next instruction, which must be spoken very softly so as not to startle the listener.)

15. Remain in this beautiful state for a while, perfectly at ease, perfectly at peace. (If you are recording this or guiding a friend, remain silent for five to ten minutes before moving on to the next instruction, which must be spoken very softly so as not to startle the listener.)

Now it is time to move out of your inner sanctuary, to return to everyday awareness. Raise your arms overhead and have a really good stretch from fingertips to toes. When you feel ready, roll over to one side before slowly getting up.

This exercise is most beneficial if practiced once a day (twice a day if you have time) for the first two weeks, then three or four times a week thereafter, and at any other time when you feel stressed. For best results, do not carry out immediately after a heavy meal. Wait for at least two hours, or until you feel comfortable. On the other hand, if you do the exercise whilst very hungry, your rumbling stomach will distract your attention!

Other Ways To Ride The Waves

Nature in her myriad forms is perhaps the most potent de-stressor of all, uplifting the spirits of the downhearted and offering tranquility to the frenzied. So, whenever possible, get out into the countryside, or take a walk around the local park, breathe deeply and delight in the sights, sounds, textures and scents of the earth.

If you are suffering from the kind of stress born of a monotonous existence, make every effort to break the routine. This may sound obvious but is easy to overlook when you are in a rut. Visit new places as often as possible; follow up sudden notions; take up a new hobby; read a different kind of book, newspaper or magazine from usual; join an adult education class; provide for compensatory physical activity. If you more interested this kind of valuable information please visit in


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