7 Necessary Social Media Tools For The Modern Marketers!


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It is now history when a brand uses printed flyers and billboards to attract customers. Modern marketers are using different digital marketing techniques to do this.

They have a reason to do so. There are almost 3.8 billion people using social media and other digital platforms, which can count up to 49% of the penetration rate.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users/

Who needs any other platform and additional effort to market the product? Though, even marketing on the digital platform is getting tougher.

Don’t worry; I’ll elaborate you an effective set of tools necessary for you as a modern marketer.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics can not only be referred to as a tool for marketers; it serves as a platform. The tool has diverse functionalities to assure the success of your marketing campaign.

You can say it is a Swiss Army Knife for the marketers. This data gold mine collects and combines useful data from different platforms and support in drafting marketing campaigns.

Using Google Analytics is more convenient with Analytic Tracing Code.

Using the Google Analytics code will provide you with complete details of users.

Next step is to include your social media goals into analytics and that it. The rest will be catered by the tool, and you’ll receive the latest updates and market insights.


2. Buzzsumo

The key to social media success is to be in the right place at the right time.

Buzzsumo can help you for posting relevant content. The starting price of the tool is from $99/month. You can find trending and influencing topic of social media by this tool. It facilitates brand in creating viral content.

There are different ways to utilize this tool for marketing. The first one is to extract the latest topic. This can support you to get trendy on social media platforms. The more you are trending, the more exposure you are gaining.

The best example of using viral content is the advertisement of Oreo during 2013 blackout. See the following illustration.

Source: https://twitter.com/Oreo/status/298246571718483968

If you are willing to use celebrity endorsement marketing strategy, then this tool is for you.

You can find out the most influential personality on social media platforms and use them to promote your brand.


3. Buffer

A buffer is a tool that supports you in managing different social media platforms. You can easily post a customized content and can even schedule the optimum time to post that content.

The best feature that makes it on the list is three different versions of tool each customized for a different purpose and company size. The medium size enterprise package will cost you $199/month.

The scheduling feature will support you in posting the relevant content on time and eliminating any potential chances of missing out an event.

You can now post and customized your content in accordance with different social channels just by clicking a button.


4. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a tool that provides convenience in reporting and managing different social media platforms and social media marketing. It will provide you with a dashboard that depicts the performance of all your social media platforms.

Now, you are no longer required to open each platform and monitor their performance. This tool will cost $599/month for a professional business account.

Source: https://smallbiztrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/hootsuite-apps-directory.jpg

With the latest revisions, the platform provides you to build new customized reports. The basic purpose of the report is to gauge the reach of the campaign to a number of clients.

You can measure; follower’s growth on Twitter with the inclusion of Google Analytics and Facebook Insights.


5. Canva

If you are not good at Arts, then this one is for you. Canva is a tool that provides multiple options to marketers for designing attractive illustrations for their social media usage.

The convenience eliminates the requirement of a graphic designer. Using this tool can eliminate the usage of stock photos.

You can also use it to create customized images that are free from copyrights. The tool costs $119.40/year, for the professional account.

The tool secures its significant position as 65% of social media users are visual learners. It reflects that you need adequate visuals in your post to attract consumers.


6. Animoto

Alike pictures, videos also secure a significant position in marketing. It can engage and significantly impact on the targeted audience, as almost 40 minutes/daily are send on watching videos.

Though, video editing can be expensive and out-budgeted for much organization. The Animato is a video editing tool that can be used to edit and customized videos.

The tool makes it on the list as video content is the most engaging content for marketing. The tool will cost you almost $8/month.

Source: https://www.lilachbullock.com/animoto-video-tool/


7. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is considered to be a powerful social media tool that facilitates a communication platform for businesses.

According to Dissertation Assistance UK, it is an all in one place that manages all of their social media platforms; Facebook, Google, and even LinkedIn. You can use it is a library for marketing, as it stores all relevant data related to marketing campaigns.

You can also access all the messages from the different platform in one inbox; you can also reply to your valued customers after reading all the messages.

Source: https://media.sproutsocial.com/uploads/2020/03/PI_Engagement_Smart_Inbox_Collision_Detection.png

The tool made on the list due to its multi-functionality and eliminating the usage of different tools.

Bottom Line

Social media platforms are considered to be the most convenient way of doing marketing in the modern world. Though, marketing on these platforms is getting hectic and complex with time.

You can use a different set of tools that can support the management of different social media platforms. Every tool that I have mentioned in the list possesses different features essential for supporting different aspects of modern marketing.

All you have to do is learn the adequate usage of each tool whenever you encounter any problem.


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