5 Steps to Becoming a Family Lawyer in Sydney


Sydney is a beautiful city. It’s the type of place that attracts people from all over the world, and it has been called “the most livable city in the world.” As an international lawyer, I have seen Sydney through many different eyes, but I only recently discovered what makes this city so special: family law.

5 Steps to Becoming a Family Lawyer in Sydney

The idea of practicing family law was not something that appealed to me at first; my focus was on immigration and criminal defense. But when I found out about how much money can be made in Sydney by practicing family law, it changed everything! Now I want to share five tips for anyone who wants to become a successful family lawyer in Sydney.

• Get a degree in law and practice family law for one year before taking the bar exam.

• Work with established lawyers to further your knowledge of family law, and take on cases that will help you learn more about divorce proceedings or child custody matters. These can be tough areas to practice without experience under your belt.

• Hire an experienced lawyer who has been practicing family law for several years; they can guide you through any potential pitfalls at work so you don’t make mistakes when working by yourself. This is especially important if it’s just you and another new hire starting out together in the same firm. You want someone with plenty of experience holding their hand until they get up to speed!

• Maintain a positive attitude and get along with your co-workers. Lawyers have to work together in a small office, so it’s important that everyone gets along so they can do their jobs effectively.

Last but not least:

• Recognise the value of family law as an area for you to succeed! I did not realize how lucrative family law could be until my brother got into a car accident and needed help filing his claim against the other driver involved. It was then that I found out just what kind of money is made when people go up against each other in court over personal matters like child custody or divorce proceedings – who knew?! Now, whenever someone asks me if they should become a lawyer, I always say yes because there are many different areas of law that you can practice in. Family is just one of them!

Family lawyers deal with all aspects of the court process, including divorce and separation, child custody disputes, domestic violence complaints, property settlements, and parenting plans. Family lawyers also help unmarried couples to formalize their relationship through a cohabitation agreement or a financial partnership contract. They can draft wills for individuals as well as provide prenuptial agreements for people about to be married. In addition to this, they assist clients with applying for protection orders against abusive spouses or partners under the Domestic Violence Act 1995 (NSW). For those facing issues such as these, it is important that you speak to an experienced family lawyer who will guide you every step of the way from filing your legal documents


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