Ikat Fabric Guide: From Production to Present Scenario


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Ikat fabric

Resist dyeing is a method used to make ikat fabrics “resist” dyeing, and this is how ikat fabric gets its distinctive pattern. Prior to dyeing, resist use to the warp and/or weft strands. As a result, the yarn has color all over, except for where the binding is available. Unbound patterns occur on a coloring area or ground after dying, and later producers remove bindings . In many cases, the yarn is subsequently weave into fabric, frequently in a basic structure and at a density that emphasizes the warp, after it gets color and weaving. This is what distinguishes ikat designs from other forms of resist dyeing. Before designing the cloth, the producers draw patterns on the threads themselves.

Ikat Fabric Guide - From Production to Present Scenario

The Indonesian word “ikat” has become a part of the worldwide fashion designing, despite the fact that the pattern is very common in many countries. Beautiful, interesting, and constantly in vogue, ikat clothing is the soul of chic fashion. Ikat, unlike other styles of patterning, has a knack of staying current even after other patterns go out of style. Nothing new here. This has been the case across the globe and throughout time.

History of ikat

To construct wonderfully beautiful detailing designs of clothes, people all throughout the globe get long before the dawn of civilization that tying and dyeing yarn in bunches could help. Although the origins of ikat fabric remain a mystery, the textile has become an important cultural item in a wide range of Asian, Middle Eastern, and European traditions.

Ikat is a Malay-Indonesian term meaning tie. Later European sources of textile technique receive this. And history in the early twentieth century by Dutch researchers who were paying attention to Indonesia’s rich textile traditions in the Dutch Indies. The term “warp ikat” or “weft ikat” refers to the method of applying the knotted fibers to the warp or weft, respectively. For those who like the look of both warp and weft resist, there is a third option: double ikat!

Production of ikat

You can produce ikat fabric from any kind of textile fiber that absorbs color effectively, including synthetics. There are several synthetic textiles that can be ikat in the same manner as silk and wool, including rayon and polyester.

Afterwards, craftsmen gather the fabric yarn into long ropes and put it into color in a specific design. Later, they remove the bindings, and put the yarn out flat for weaving. Afterwards. Upon weaving, the design that producers initially put onto the yarn in a bunch is clearly visible. Before cutting, sewing, packing, and sending, ikat, like any other textile, may receive the same treatment, coloring anew, or is considerable to a variety of additional treatments.

  • Warp Ikat: Here only the warp strands involve in the weaven. Most people use this approach.
  • Weft Ikat: Only the weft threads are tied in a weft Ikat.
  • Compound Ikat: Warp and weft are tied together, yet their patterns are separate in a compound ikat.
  • Double Ikat: When both the warp and weft threads are linked together, the pattern is called a “double ikat.” Because it is so time consuming and difficult to build, this method is very uncommon.


Now that you know the production of Ikat. And if you’re a producer or fabric lover who likes to dye, you should try this and you would enjoy a new appreciation for these fantastic fabrics. If you are into textile business or fashion designer looking for ikat fabric online wholesale then you should visit Fabriclore. Here you will have a vast collection of ikat material with a blend of different colors and shades.


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