Benefits of Losing Weight, Ranging from Reduced Cancer Risk to Increase Energy


A lot of people lose weight; most often cited is not satisfied with the current body shape. Some find it difficult to buy new clothes because of their weight. Another reason that is not less important is that losing five to 10% of body weight can reduce our risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Whatever the reason, losing weight and follow weight loss tips can have a good effect. Although some are not good.

Benefits of Losing Weight, Ranging from Reduced Cancer Risk to Increase Energy

1. Your energy level will increase a lot. Often, a person’s energy when they start to lose weight is enormous. This is because when you lose weight, you spend less energy. Another good thing is that losing weight also increases oxygen efficiency, so you won’t efficiently run out of breath when climbing stairs or walking for long periods.

2. Reducing the risk of cancer. It is a well-known fact that smoking, sunlight, and obesity can cause cancer. For obesity, of course, bodyweight is the focus. Because being overweight causes inflammation that triggers cell changes in the body. However, the level of inflammation can be lowered if you lose 5% of your body weight. That’s according to a 2012 study published in the journal Cancer Research.

3. Your bones can change. Have you heard that losing weight can weaken your bones? While it is true that weight loss is associated with bone loss, it only becomes a problem if you are too thin or are following the wrong diet. New research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons explains that losing weight can reduce arthritis symptoms.

The best way to achieve your ideal body is to slowly make small changes to your eating and exercise habits and focus on achieving those goals. Most people want instant results, so it’s easy to believe various myths that aren’t necessarily true. Besides, certain myths about body weight can often be detrimental to our business. Here are some myths about weight loss that we should avoid.

  • Don’t eat carbohydrates – We have to be careful about the intake of carbohydrates we consume. Avoid unhealthy ones such as sugary foods. On the other hand, healthy carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole grains, or complex carbohydrates are essential for a healthy diet. Therefore, we still need carbohydrates as intake in our daily diet, but choose the beneficial type.
  • Hunger helps weight loss – An essential rule for losing weight is that we shouldn’t skip meals. Skipping meals only makes the body try to retain fuel more efficiently by slowing down our metabolism. It also triggers us to overeat, generally eating unhealthy foods.
  • Avoid fat – Like carbohydrates, not all fats are bad for the body. Avoiding fat will not lead to weight loss. You do not have to eliminate fat because it is crucial for your body. Healthy fats such as nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocado, cheese, and full-fat milk can be added to our diet.
  • A gluten-free diet is effective in losing weight – Gluten is a protein found in carbohydrates such as flour, wheat, and cereals. Typically, a gluten-free diet is prescribed to treat people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. If we don’t have these health problems and keep avoiding gluten, we may not be getting enough of the vitamins, fibre, and minerals that our bodies need. A gluten-free diet is not a diet for weight loss. So, this diet will not help us to reduce excess weight.

Losing weight doesn’t mean we have to stop eating all of our favourite high-calorie foods. Small amounts of high-calorie foods can be part of a weight loss plan. We need to make sure the amount is correct. Once a month, we can reward ourselves with enjoying our favourite foods.

In addition to being an easy and inexpensive physical activity option, taking adequate footsteps has recently been in great demand as an option for weight management. Not a few people have started to try it. A study by Université de Rouen, Mont Saint Aignan, France, involved 35 adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 31.7-44.9 participants in diet counselling and gradually increasing their daily steps to reach 10,000. After six months, the participants experienced a significant decrease in BMI of 3.7%. You may have seen posts on social media of celebrities who also advocate regular walking to lose weight. Seeing its success, you may also be motivated to do so. However, it turns out that the results of walking 10,000 steps per day can vary from person to person. This is because each person burns a different number of calories for every 10,000 steps of walking. This is because various factors influence the number of calories burned through physical activity.

In adulthood and subsequent age, development is a critical period for obesity with various complications of degenerative diseases. This usually occurs due to changes in lifestyle to be more relaxed, lack of activity, and a tendency to overeat patterns.

It is essential to prevent the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular disease, which can be started by practising clean and healthy living habits. The point is balance. Not excess body weight and nutritional deficiencies trigger various diseases. The threat of malnutrition or lack of nutritional intake for the body, which occurs most recently in urban communities, is caused by excessive eating patterns that are not balanced with the nutrients needed. Most of the food we eat every day, whether intentionally or unintentionally, contains too few vitamins, vegetable protein, mineral salts, vegetable fats, essential amino acids, fibrous substances, and water.

The most dangerous is consuming too many preservatives, sugar, animal protein salts, animal fats, cholesterol, and processed foods. It is essential to note the balance of nutritional intake such as carbohydrates, minerals, protein, vitamins, etc. The recommended dietary pattern, which is the basis for a balanced nutritious diet, consists of 3 groups of food ingredients, namely energy (carbohydrates), building substances (protein), and regulatory implications in an amount according to the body’s needs.

To know about pancreatic cancer, click here


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