6 Inspections that Protect Store Operations


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Conducting regular quality inspections is the key to running an efficient store. Its primary purpose is to identify existing and potential hazards that can disrupt business operations. Specifically, it helps control any risk related to engineering, administrative controls, procedures, policies, and the like.

6 Inspections that Protect Store Operations

Store inspections can guide you in finding the corrective actions for any potential danger. As a result, it promotes brand compliance and consistent customer experience. Overall, it’s greatly beneficial in any industry. While each business has varying needs for inspections, here are six inspections that secure your store’s operation.

Building Inspection

Commercial building inspections check your physical store’s health, ensuring your business operates efficiently and safely day in and day out. Specifically, they establish the baseline functionality of your store’s structure. They also visually check for any existing health and safety dangers in your store to avoid potential violations.

There are many ways to have your building checked. It’s best to ask for professional help from an experienced engineer, architect, or commercial building inspector. In any way, it’s recommended to hire local certifiers.

In the United States, three main types of inspections may apply to stores: fire safety inspections, health inspections, and building code inspections.

The local fire department typically conducts fire safety inspections regularly. They will ensure that your store is up to code regarding fire exits and sprinkler systems. Meanwhile, the area’s health department typically does the health inspections. They will check for things like food safety and sanitation.

On the other hand, building code inspections are typically conducted by the local building department. They will check for things like handicap accessibility and building code compliance.

Depending on your store type, you may be required to have one or more of these inspections regularly. It is important to be aware of the requirements in your area so that you can be sure to stay in compliance.

In Australia, stores must have a building inspection at least once every 12 months. It ensures that the store complies with all the relevant building codes and regulations.

A building inspection report will be issued after the inspection has been carried out. This report will detail any areas of the store that do not comply with the building code. The store owner will then have 28 days to fix any non-compliant areas.

If you are planning on opening a new store or an existing store that has yet to have a building inspection in the last 12 months, you should contact your local council to arrange an inspection. For example, if your store is in New South Wales, tap Surescope Building Certifiers Newcastle. Local certifiers can ensure that your store can adhere to your local standards.

Gas Safety

If you’re in the food industry, you must run a gas safety inspection. It’s a legal obligation and crucial to ensuring health and safety compliance. Otherwise, gas leaks, explosions, property damage, and death caused by carbon monoxide poisoning might happen, giving you a lot of unexpected expenses.

A commercial gas safety inspection is run by a licensed professional, such as a gas safe registered engineer. They’ll inspect the pipework, test the functionality of all your gas appliances, perform tightness tests to check for any gas leaks, and perform negative pressure and carbon monoxide tests.

Electrical Safety

Most brick-and-mortar establishments are filled with electrically powered equipment for effective and efficient business operations. However, when mishandled or unmaintained, they can pose significant hazards to your workers and customers, such as electrical fires. That’s why it’s essential to take extra steps and match the latest electrical safety standards.

The employees can easily prevent overloaded circuits and replace defective plugs, switches, and outlets. But for proper maintenance of lighting and wiring installation, it’s best to seek professional help. Have an electrician inspect your store to prevent an electrical meltdown, ensure your business is up to code, and avoid incurring penalties.

Alarm System

Every business’s security shouldn’t be only equipped with smart cameras but also with active and functional alarm systems. Surveillance systems can’t prevent life-threatening and property-damaging hazards on their own, but active and functional alarm systems can. It’s why your local authorities must visually inspect and functionally test alarm systems.

For better protection, ensure that your alarm systems are engineered with a wide range of life safety solutions to potentially fatal situations. For example, they should be equipped with features that detect electrical fires, leaky pipes, carbon monoxide poisoning, and even active shooters. More importantly, they should be able to alert everyone in your store, particularly the authorities.

Loss Prevention

Among the many causes of operational loss, retail shrinkage tops the list. As you already know, it isn’t only caused by shoplifting. It can also stem from administrative errors, merchandising errors, price mislabeling, lost paperwork, unclear training, and employee theft.

Leaving retail shrinkage unsolved typically results in a loss of profits. This negative impact can happen in any business environment, but it’s particularly harmful in your store since you’re operating on low margins and high volumes.

To prevent this discrepancy between your inventory list and stocks, conduct a loss prevention inspection routinely. Take advantage of new technologies these days as well. For example, several two-way trackable communication apps can help eliminate retail shrinkage. Above all, reinforce loss prevention policies across your store to prevent employees and customers from committing theft.


If you’re in the retail industry, quick changes in merchandising are run-of-the-mill happenings. For example, inflation is on the rise these days. It’s a no-brainer if you’re already seizing this opportunity to do promotional pricing strategies. However, be careful of the knock-on effects. Consumers keep tightening their belts, so always consider rethinking commercial positioning.

In addition, perform merchandising inspections consistently to ensure accurate pricing and great merchandise standards. Doing so will also ensure your product layouts are visually appealing. Keep revisiting your promotions to preserve stock availability and conserve costs. Always keep tabs on price-sensitive (PS) customers as well.

Final Thoughts

Workplace inspections are necessary to produce the expected standard flow of your store operations. They can also help make key business decisions, ensure due diligence for liability protection, and prevent damages. Hence, regularly scheduling them is critical in response to a hazardous incident and when a new system is introduced to a workplace.


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