5 Ways Startup Can Benefit from ATS


Start-ups are young companies which are being run by founders, who are also investors and budding entrepreneurs. Basically, start-ups are like beginners, trying to get their hand in the market with an innovative approach. With the current trends of changing markets, there is no dearth of an emerging entrepreneur who has changed the entire perception around business trends. Just like changing customers, businesses are also adopting new technologies and various methodologies to create a powerful impact.

5 Ways startup can benefit from ATS

But does it mean that every start-up needs all those technologies which are the driving forces in large organizations? Well, not necessary! Just like not every start-up needs Applicant tracking system or ATS. For any start-up, it’s important to find out with their input and output analytics is they really need one? Or it’s completely manageable till they reach to a point.

Applicants Tracking System software comes with own set of benefits and they do help a start-up to bring change in a much organised and professional manner. It does have multiple benefits and here are the 5 points to consider before you ditch ATS in your start-up:

1. Save Time & Resource: What does a start-up need the most? And the most south answer is -Time and Resource. Most of the start-up has a handful of employees who are mostly founders and with that much strength, they want to do the most out of given time. Applicant tracking system helps them save time and resource which can put exclusively to the recruitment process. Or even if the resource is shared then it can be easily done without much intervention. It’s a completely automated process and ultimately saves time, keeping all the process well-documented! Also, it can reduce unnecessary paperwork and emails which at times difficult to manage.

2. Talent search makes easy: Just like large organisations start-up does need that cream of talent which is hard to find. The hard work behind to get few is well-known. With the help of ATS, they have the option to filter candidates as per the skills required to them. They can easily see out of multiple resumes, who is capable of set skills they are looking for. ATS makes talent search easy and possible. ATS software helps to build a talent database which can be used at any point of time or even much later when the start-up plans to scale up and wants to recruit more employees. They can easily search their database and connect to those talented applicants without investing much time to find new.

3. Best use of resource: Not every small company or start-up can manage an exclusive recruitment team for the entire year or even for a shorter period. It’s an extra expense to the company and for start-ups, it’s not always possible to have one. But ATS helps is the entire recruitment process and anyone who is not the recruiter can quickly work on recruitment without giving much time to it. That handful of resource can still use their skills in the best way without considering much to the recruitment process, as its takeover by resume robot (ATS)

4. Builds the brand image: Applicant tracking system can automate gathering applications in the most innovative way of helping candidates to find jobs which are being posted by start-ups. This ultimately helping build brand image while applicants would search for your company’s name and its achievements in the current market. Also, when millennials are mostly relying on smartphones to connect, ATS software makes it easy for them to apply and ask any questions directly to the recruiter bridging the communication gap if any.

5. Keep track of reports/Analytics: For start-up when the resource is limited its rather difficult to get updates on regular events. As not every resource is capable to pull out reports or the lack of time doesn’t allow to get one. ATS works wonders and this software helps the start-up to het the track of all recruitments, application flow, activities, etc at one go. In fact, this report can be integrated with any department as per their requirement. So, without any much of time, and resource, founders can keep track of things and expedite it as per need. Or in other words, many things can be controlled without giving much time and human touch. Not only will Applicant Tracking Systems automate applications, but it can streamline internal work flows and tasks. With certain functionalities like job approval, offer approval, and recruit flow to disposition candidates, employees can rely on software to do the manual work for them.

Applicant tracking system software not only helps in streamlining the recruitment process but also covers work flow and other related tasks. The multiple functions like offer approval, approval pending reports can expedite the process and start-up can be benefitted by fixing the issue very much on time. Without much of human touch or dedicated team, this task can be easily managed by Resume robot or the ATS software.


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