How to Stay Motivated During IAS Preparation?


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Neither motivational speakers nor self-help books, there’s only one person who can help you to stay motivated during your IAS preparation which is YOU. Maybe your family, friend or relatives don’t believe but if you know you can do it. Just don’t let anybody say that you can’t. Act deaf to their negative words and focus on your preparation. Your result will speak for you.

There’s a lot of failure stories in the market. There’s a lot of negative vibes. Remember you are fighting for just one seat. UPSC is indeed the toughest exam you will ever take in your life but nothing is impossible for a stubborn ambitious person. You fail, you try. You learn from your mistakes and eventually, you get what you desire for.

Your problems, struggles, or financial conditions won’t matter when the prefix of IAS will be added to your name. You will forget all your pain and sufferings after you achieve your dreams.

How to Stay Motivated During IAS Preparation

Here are some tips that can help you to stay motivated during IAS preparation:

Tell yourself every day—YOU CAN

Who is stopping you? This is your life, be bold and firm on your decisions. If you have decided to take the UPSC exam then don’t look back. Tell yourself every day that You Can do this. Repeat it twice or thrice a day.

Paste a few quotes from your ideal personalities—a cricketer, a politician, an IAS officer. Read the autobiography or biography of your ideal person. Then, take note of how they overcame their problems and succeeded in their lives.

You have that energy and power to convince your brain for anything. So, tell it, you are going to fulfill your dreams soon.

Surround yourself with positive people

Your relatives and friends can be annoying at times. They might discourage you with their repetitive rant of “Son, now it’s time you should start looking for other options?” or “You can’t crack UPSC exam because you never were that intelligent”. Put their opinions straight to the bin.

One the first hand, it takes courage to prepare for the UPSC examination despite knowing it’s the toughest of all competition exams. So, don’t let people’s word distract you from the goal.

Surround yourself with people who genuinely wish for your success and not with pseudo friends who are jealous and bring negativity in your life.

Take your preparation seriously

One of the most important factors in keeping you motivated is your rigorous preparation. Your commitment and dedication towards your goal will make way for the desirable result. So, don’t compromise with your study schedule for anything or anyone.

Take your preparation seriously throughout the Public Services recruitment process—Prelims, Main, and Personality Test. You can’t be lenient with your preparation in any of the three stages of the UPSC examination.

There are some of the IAS coaching in Delhi which can help you with the IAS preparation. They even have a facility for online IAS coaching for aspirants who want to study at home.

Stop comparing yourself with other’s success

IAS aspirants often get distracted by the success of their fellow batchmates or friends. Their success doesn’t mean that you aren’t hard-working or you didn’t put your best effort, this simply means you missed a few things which they didn’t.

There is nothing to feel jealous about because you better know where you lacked and what mistakes you made in the exam. If you don’t know where you are lacking take the help of the best IAS Coaching in Delhi. The experts of the institute will help you out.

Mock Interviews

After finishing your preparation for the UPSC exam, try solving the previous year’s question papers and take mock IAS-interview. This will boost your confidence.

Ask your friend or your teacher to help you with the mock interviews. Don’t forget to ask their valuable feedbacks and try to improve things they have recommended.

To conclude, I would say let not fear to ruin your hard work and efforts. So, be confident and self-motivated at every three stages of the UPSC examination. All the best.


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