How to Stay Healthy as A College Student in Pune


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Moving to Pune for college had to be one of the best life decisions you made. After all, it’s THE student city of India, and you’re having the time of your life meeting new people and immersing yourself into the city’s vibrant and exciting culture. At the same time, you’re experiencing what it means to live on your own for the first time. You’ve settled into your hostel in Karve Nagar, you’re handling money, managing your own schedule and so much more. But you’ve been noticing something else lately.

How to Stay Healthy as A College Student in Pune

In the rush to balance your classes with your extracurricular interests, internships and burgeoning social life, you’re missing quite a few breakfasts, skipping workouts and not getting enough sleep. And you know that that can have a detrimental effect on your health. So, how exactly can you manage to stay healthy in college? That’s what we’re here to help with. We’ve got a few tips to get you started. Check them out!

Check your mindset

For most of us, health and fitness goals are things that can only be achieved in the future. And that’s a damaging mindset. You have to think about health as something you can pursue right this instant. Every healthy choice that you make will surely have a long-term impact, but it will also have an immediate effect on your mood, energy levels, concentration and productivity. So, don’t think of health as something you can figure out after college is over, focus on it right now.

Set a routine

One of the best ways to build a habit is through practice and consistency, and it’s the same for healthy living. Give your life a little bit of structure by setting a routine for yourself. Ensure that you’re getting at least six hours of sleep in the night. Plan to wake up such that you have enough time to get ready and eat breakfast before heading to class. Schedule some slots for exercise and physical activity three to four times a week. If your routine is holistic and adaptable to your lifestyle, you’ll find it a lot easier to stay healthy for a long time.

Eat and drink right, not less

Even if you’re starting your fitness journey with the sole intention of losing weight, don’t let that be an excuse to cut down your food intake drastically. Starving yourself now might help you drop a few kilos quickly, but it’ll also make your blood sugar levels fluctuate and make you more likely to put the weight on again later. Instead, examine your eating habits and see how you can make some healthier swaps. If your breakfast cereal isn’t filling enough and leads to you grabbing a tone of salty snacks all morning, switch to a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits. This will keep you full for longer and less likely to consume fattening junk food. And pay attention to your drinks as well. Do you really need that sugary mocha to wake you up every morning? Why not try switching to green tea instead. Eating and drinking the right foods instead of consuming smaller portions is a much more sustainable way of taking care of your health.

Get a move on

You probably don’t need us to tell you this but exercise is a really important part of taking care of yourself. And there are plenty of ways to incorporate this into your life as a college student. Get yourself a membership to one of the best gyms in Pune if you want a more regimented system, or join a yoga class with some friends. Try and take the stairs instead of the elevator and walk to places as much as possible. There are also tonnes of apps and follow-along workouts that are freely available on YouTube that you can do from the comfort of your hostel room, if that’s more your thing.

Don’t ignore your mental health

Like we said, being healthy is a holistic concept. So, while you focus on eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising, remember to prioritise your mental health. College can be a stressful time, and it’s really common for students to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. But that doesn’t mean you need to suffer. Try out some self-care tips or reach out to your college counsellor in times of need. You’ll find it a lot easier to take care of yourself when you’re in the right headspace.

So, those are our top tips for staying healthy in college. Keep them in mind throughout your campus years and you’re sure to emerge from this phase of your life a lot healthier and happier. Good luck!


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