Benefits of Pre-Planning Your Funeral


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Moving on to the next life is an event that we cannot change. It’s something that a lot of people don’t think about because it is a serious topic. However, moving on is still something that we need to prepare for. Everyone knows that the passing of a loved one hits pretty hard. Whether you lost a family member, a friend, or a pet, grief and sadness take over.

Benefits of Pre-Planning Your Funeral

One of the most important things that people often oversee is a pre-need funeral plan, which means paying for a funeral service in advance like an investment. Most funeral parlors offer pre-need funeral plans in Chantilly, Virginia.

There are a lot of benefits when you prepare for your own funeral. We have listed a few below:

It Ensures That Your Wishes Are Met

Dealing with a loss can be tough for anyone. People have different traditions and beliefs on coping with a loss and burying their loved ones. Whether you are Jewish, Buddhist, or Catholic, having a pre-planned funeral will help ensure that all your choices and traditions are followed when you move on to the next life.

One of the advantages of pre-planning your funeral is that you get to choose what kind of funeral you want instead of letting someone else decide. In addition to this, your family will have more time to grieve with one another. When you pre-plan your funeral, this means choosing the products you like, picking the burial you want, and the kind of ceremony you prefer.

It Reduces Stress to Your Family

When a friend, family member, or loved one passes away, sadness and grief immediately take over and make the simplest task seem impossible. These unexpected circumstances make family members dive immediately into planning and making big decisions while dealing with enormous sadness and grief.

If you plan for your funeral ahead of time, you’re giving your loved ones more time to grieve and support one another. This allows them to cope and deal with the loss.

It Allows You to Choose the Way You Want to Be Remembered

Some people haven’t thought about how they want to be remembered. Maybe you served in the military and had a long career, or perhaps you love animals and would like to encourage people to donate to your local humane society. The pre-planning process gives you control over the music, décor, venue, and more. It also relieves your family of any financial burden that they might face.

Whatever happens, pre-planning your funeral will help give your family members an idea of how you want your life to be celebrated and bring them joy in remembering your life.

It Encourages Meaningful Conversations With Your Family

Talking to your family about death is surely uncomfortable. However, most people find out that this topic leads to meaningful talks with your family. On most occasions, people want to talk about passing on to the next life but don’t know how to bring it up. When you dive into this conversation, you may find out that your family members are thinking the same thing and want to share their own thoughts.

It Protects You and Your Family From Rising Funeral Costs

While it’s already hard to talk about death and funeral planning, people also have to face the financial realities that go along with them. Funerals and memorials can be expensive, and like many other things, the price of holding either still rises each year.

Thankfully, pre-planning allows individuals to lock in current prices for funeral or memorial products and services. And what’s good about it is that they can finance them in different ways. Some funeral parlors offer installment plans, while others recommend paying in a lump sum to help you save more. Once you know how much everything costs, consider putting the funds into a separate account for an upon-death account.

Funeral parlors also offer pre-need funeral plans in Chantilly, Virginia. These plans allow you to pay for their current price instead of when prices may be higher.

In Conclusion

With the emotional stress and grief that your family is facing, they should have more time to grieve with one another. Pre-planning ensures that all of your requests will be met and eases the burden on your family.


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