Elders Scrolls Online DPS Tier List


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Elders Scrolls Online

As we all know that Elder Scrolls Online provides a huge variety in terms of build composition. There are plenty of different skills and sets in the game that can increase your power to a great extent. One thing to remember is that buffs and debuffs applied by yourself or your group will be the biggest factor that will increase your damage, healing, and defensive efficiency in the game. Therefore, players with high buff and debuff uptimes are expected to always push higher DPS and be more effective in Elders Scrolls Online. Haven’t tried ESO yet? The best way to start off is to find cheap ESO cd key and jump straight into the action.

Source: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/home

Following and copying a build won’t make you a good player but it will somehow get you on the right path. You need to learn and practice the rotation and movement of a character for perfection. In ESO, just as a DPS character, rotation and movement are the most important aspect of gameplay. There’s no doubt that a player with a good rotation can push way higher DPS than a player with a bad rotation and it does not matter if they use the same setup.

In ESO, movement is the second most important aspect. Many professional players know the right time to dodge roll enemy attacks. Good players have already memorized all the boss fights, therefore they can anticipate what will happen next and choose the perfect build accordingly.

ESO DPS Tier List

This is an ESO DPS Tier List Guide. In this guide, you are going to take a look at which DPS character and which setup are best suited for a damage dealer.

To make the DPS tier list, we have to take many indicators into account. We need to take a look at skills like damage dealing, range and mobility, self-healing, sustain, and defense capabilities that a setup has to be considered as the best, good, or okay.

More indicators are present too, but these are the most important ones for the Elder Scrolls Online.

An explanation of what you can expect from each setup are explained below,


Best = Can do everything perfectly
Good = Can do everything
Okay = Can do everything but harder to master
Bad = Can’t do all content (No setup has this rating)

It is worth noting that almost all classes and setups in the game can easily perform well enough to clear all the content in the game. As there are no “garbage/trash can classes” in Elders scrolls online.

The list is just to show you that some setups have a slight edge over other setups.


  • MagickaNightblade
  • Magicka Sorcerer
  • Magicka Necromancer


  • Magicka Templar
  • Magicka Warden
  • Stamina Nightblade
  • Stamina Sorcerer
  • Stamina Necromancer
  • Stamina Templar


  • MagickaDragonknight
  • Stamina Dragonknight
  • Stamina Warden

To craft skills and to buy different characters and level them up, you will need gold which is really hard to get and you will need to farm for days to achieve your desires. However, there’s a shortcut where you can buy ESO Gold or even buy maxed ESO account to help you dominate the game.


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