Five of the Biggest Safety Concerns in a Home


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Staying safe is a gamble. It is unclear at any given moment how much danger you are in.
Just walking down the street can be dangerous. You could be attacked, a tree could fall, or you could be hit by a car while walking around. These situations are rare in everyday life, but we still prepare ourselves. We take precautions when walking down the street by becoming cognitive of our surroundings. It is very important to stay proactive in life especially when it comes to our safety. A minor ignorance in your safety aspects can leads to bigger accidents and challenges in life. So check here the major safety concerns that you must take into consideration in your life to stay away from any kind of risk to your safety.

Five of the Biggest Safety Concerns in a Home

We wear our seatbelts while driving and we make sure our kids are in their car seats. When it comes to our homes, it can be easy to forget this precautious mindset. We allow smoke detector batteries to go unchanged, sometimes we leave things to block the stairs and sometimes we fail to educate ourselves about basic home safety.

Failure to change an air filter in the house can be a health hazard and a problem for your wallet. A failure to properly clean out your dryer can prematurely kill your dryer, or worse, it can become a fire hazard. Here are five tips that can help you and your family be safer around the house.


The most common causes of house fires are cooking, heating, and electrical. Smoking, dryers, and candles are less common ways of starting a house. House fires can be devastating and life-altering events. In the course of a few hours, you could lose loved ones and every item you own. Being cognitive of your actions while cooking and watching for any hints of electrical issues can save your life. Making sure to install the right light bulbs for a wall light fixture can be a life or death situation. Installing the wrong type of light bulb can cause permanent damage to your home’s electrical system.


Mold is not the most dangerous thing you can find growing in your home, but it still poses a threat to you and your family’s health. Researchers have found there is a link between mold and asthma in children. Individuals who have a mold allergy are especially susceptible to irritation from mold spores.

Mold spores can cause sinus problems, running eyes, and an itchy throat. Preventing moisture in your home will prevent the growth of mold. Sometimes the moisture in your home could be coming from small leaks like under a sink, or sometimes, something major has happened to the plumping of your home. Dealing with a water leak in your home can be stressful. A little research is all that is required to fix your home back to spec. Although, in cases where the leak is extreme, it is always best to call a professional.


Statistically, Americans above 65 are susceptible to falling, but it can happen to anyone. Wearing shoes and avoiding obstructions on or near the staircase can reduce the chances of a fall happening in your home. The bathroom is the most common location where falls acquire. You can lay down micro ban strips in your bathtub to prevent slips while you are in the shower and also while you are getting in or out. Installing a handrail for your bathtub will also prevent falls.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is an orderless and colorless gas. The gas is produced from sources like boilers, furnaces, and fireplaces. It is a silent killer that kills thousands of Americans each year. Winter months are the worst for carbon dioxide poisoning deaths.
Preventing carbon dioxide poising can be as simple as replacing your carbon dioxide detector batteries. Your heating system should be checked by a professional at least once a year, and you should never leave your car running in a closed garage for any amount of time.


Children are the most susceptible to experiencing poisoning while in the home. Children between one and two make up a large percentage of poisoning cases. According to the CDC, there were 2.3 million cases of poisoning in the United States last year.

Poisoning can be prevented by putting away or locking medication in a location where only the prescribed user can locate them. Keep dangerous chemicals like bleach and cleaners out of reach of small children. This will prevent them from accessing them, and immediately disposing of batteries will prevent small children from swallowing them.


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