Major Benefits of Organic Foods


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Following are some of the key benefits of eating and plating organic foods.

Major Benefits of Organic Foods


There are more vitamins present in organic food than all other vitamins, and they also contain more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients than conventionally grown foods. Growing methods can influence the nutritional content of protective food.

Organic production improves the nutritional quality of milk by changing the fatty acid composition. Organic tomatoes have been found to have nearly twice the concentration of a beneficial flavonoid known as quercetin, compared to conventional tomatoes grown in an adjacent field.

In dairy products, antibiotics were detected in 65% of the conventional milk samples, while the biological samples did not contain antibiotics. Although organic products are the fastest-growing sector in the food industry, they still represent only about 7-8% of purchases. The more organic consumers demand, the easier it will be available with a broader offering. Large grocery stores, organic food shop and Wal-Mart sell organic food, but also small Co-Ops and corner stores. If the organic industry continues to grow, there will be more opportunities available to people who want to move into the organic space.

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Persistent pesticides

Eating organic food reduces the number of chemicals in the diet, namely persistent pesticides. The use of insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and herbicides is closely monitored in organic food production. Organic farming leads to the production of healthy food without any toxic material like pesticides. Although some organic farmers use pesticides, they are derived primarily from natural substances. For organic production, these natural pesticides must be approved.


No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives are allowed in organic foods. Cleaner food means cleaner diets, which leads to a cleaner health certificate. Preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors are not allowed in organic food. Fewer than 40 synthetic substances can be used in organic packaged foods, and only after they have been reviewed by government and independent experts.

These chemically addictive additives cause many health problems. The hidden cost of this “cheap” food is the taxes people pay for their health. Check our complete Food list for a healthy lifestyle.

Soil health

Organic farming creates healthy soil. Healthy soil is the basis of organic farming. Organic farmers use natural organic fertilizers. Crops are better able to resist disease, survive drought, and tolerate insects when they are grown in excellent and healthy rich soil.
Organic food is never irradiated. Irradiated food is exposed to intense ionizing radiation.

This is done in a processing room for a specific period. With irradiation of food, radiant energy (electrons, gamma rays, or X-rays) breaks chemical bonds, and the intention is to reduce microorganisms.


The primary threat is that radiation can even lead to diseases like cancer. So organic food is the best choice when it comes to the better food. You may also like to have a look on Candida diet guide for a life changing experience.

Environmental change

Organic farming supports carbon sequestration, which helps mitigate rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The main advantage of organic crops and livestock production, over conventional agriculture, is that it focuses on soil-based production with the basic principles of maintaining or improving soil quality.


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