Questions to Know Before Getting Invisalign Clear Braces


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If you are thinking about investing in Invisalign to straighten out your smile, congratulations, you’re on the right path. Many people like you grace the idea of getting Invisalign braces. This is because traditional metal-wire braces are not exactly aesthetically pleasing. However, having clear braces takes being discreet a step further.

The average cost of getting braces in Winnipeg can be anywhere between $3,000 and $7,000. These are only something you can have surgically implanted into your mouth without anyone knowing the wiser. If you want to straighten your teeth without too much hassle, then Invisalign Anaheim clear braces are probably your best bet.

Questions to Know Before Getting Invisalign Clear Braces

But is it always the right choice for you? There’s more to getting invisible braces than just having them installed in your mouth. So before you get Invisalign Winnipeg, there are several questions you should know:

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

For invisible braces to work, you must be a good candidate. The amount of pressure needed to move your teeth should not be too much, and you have enough room in their jawbone structure to support the additional pressure invisibility will add.

If you have been wearing traditional metal braces for many years, chances are your teeth will not respond well to the pressure Invisalign will add. So, you must get a consultation with an orthodontist who can provide you with an oral exam and determine if you’re a good candidate or not.

The age of your teeth is also something that you must consider seriously. If you have teeth that are too crowded together, this can mean Invisalign is not an option for you. This limitation is because the pressure will cause your teeth to shift even more so than they already are.

What are the Necessary Procedures Before Getting Invisalign in Winnipeg?

According to Manitoba Dental Association reports, there are currently 760 licensed dentists in the General practitioner and Dental Specialist classes of registration.

The experts of Winnipeg will carry out some necessary procedures before getting invisible braces. For example, if you have cavities or teeth too decayed to work with, your orthodontist will need to take care of them first.

If not, the pressure from Invisalign could cause a cavity to grow even more significantly and potentially require a root canal treatment afterward. In addition, if you have had any tooth extractions or gum disease in the past, your orthodontist will want to make sure this is not a problem before getting Invisalign.

Again, invisibility needs room for teeth to move and bone structure to support it. If you have an infection affecting either of these areas, then invisibility may not be a good choice for you.

Do You Have a Night time Retainer?

For Invisalign to work, an orthodontist must create a customized set of aligners for you based on your oral exam. These aligners are essentially thin plastic slips that you should wear every day until the treatment is complete.

However, you must wear your invisible aligners 24 hours a day and take them off only when eating or brushing your teeth. This is because the aligners work by putting constant pressure on your teeth which can cause them to shift back into their original oral positions if you don’t wear them constantly.

Why Would Anyone Want Clear Braces?

Clear braces are becoming more popular among teens and adults in Winnipeg who want to straighten teeth without the hassle of standard metal braces. Because clear braces are not as noticeable, people can smile confidently, knowing that no one will notice they’re wearing them.

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in learning more about invisibility clear braces, then be sure to have an oral exam with an orthodontist first so they can determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.


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