Which Topics to Study for Class 11 Chemistry Exam?


Class 11 science contains three different subjects including physics, chemistry, and biology. With three subjects and having several chapters to study for each, the students may feel confused about the chapters or topics they should indulge in more. If you have questions like this in your mind then don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Which Topics to Study for Class 11 Chemistry Exam?

Here we have concluded the important topics that you should prepare well during your last-minute preparations along with some tips that will help you in preparations for your class 11 chemistry exam. The class 11 chemistry ncert solutions can also be fruitful for your preparations. The important topics are:

1. Chapter 14- Environmental chemistry: This chapter includes a lot of equations that are important for the exam. Some other important topics of this chapter are air Pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, Wastes and its management: Focus on collection and disposal of wastes, and Short note on green chemistry.

2. Chapter 13- Hydrocarbons: The important topics of this chapter are aliphatic hydrocarbon, Aromatic h ydrocarbons. In alkanes, the name reactions, mechanism of halogenation, conformers of alkane are important, and in alkenes, the geometrical isomerism, elimination reactions, and all the chemical reactions are the important topics.

3. Chapter 12- Organic chemistry: The important topics of this chapter includes Shape, hybridization and structure representation of carbon compounds, Classification of organic compounds focusing on the concepts revolving around aromaticity, Nomenclature and isomerism of organic compounds, heterolytic and homolytic cleavage, Nucleophile and electrophile, Qualitative analysis of organic compounds esp. focussing on numerical and short notes.

4. Chapter 11- The p-block elements: The structures of this chapter hold great importance, the other important topics are General properties of p-block elements esp. oxidation state, Group 13: Boron family, and Group 14: Carbon family. The reasoning questions and short notes are often asked from this chapter.

5. Chapter 10- the s-block elements: This chapter is very important from the point of view of the exam, some topics that hold great importance are Alkali metals: Atomic physical properties, chemical properties, and characteristics, Alkaline earth metals: Atomic physical properties, chemical properties and characteristics, Anomalous behaviour of beryllium, Diagonal relationship between beryllium and aluminium, Short note on the biological importance of calcium and magnesiumChapter 9-hydrogen: the important topics of the chapter hydrogen are Isotopes of hydrogen, dihydrogen, uses and properties, Hydrides and its three types, Difference between structures of ice and water, Chemical properties of water. You can practice previous year’s question papers for a better understanding of this chapter.

6. Chapter 8-Redox reactions: This chapter also includes some of the important topics such as the concept of oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, Oxidation number: Definition, notations, and application, Types of redox reactions, Methods for balancing redox reactions, Electrode potential.

7. Chapter 7- Equilibrium: The topics like le chatelier’s principle, equilibrium constant, dissociation constant are the most important. Other important topics include Chemical and ionic equilibrium, Equilibrium in physical processes, Characteristics of Equilibria Involving Physical Processes, Equilibrium constant and its applications, Equilibrium constant in gaseous systems, Dissociation or ionization constant calculations, Factors affecting acidic strength, Solubility product (Ksp)

8. Chapter 6- Thermodynamics: This chapter includes a lot of formulas or equations. For learning the formulas, you can make a separate notebook for formulas and revise them multiple times. The other important topics are types of system, First law of thermodynamics and its application, Enthalpy, intensive and extensive properties, Cp and Cv and relation between them for real gas, enthalpy and internal energy, measurements, Enthalpy of reaction, phase transformation and formation, Enthalpies of different types of reactions, Thermochemical equations, Spontaneity and Entropy, Gibbs energy change.

9. Chapter 5- States of matter: The important topics of this chapter includes Intermolecular forces, Gas laws, Ideal gas equation, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Postulates of the kinetic molecular theory of gases, Behaviour of real gases, Liquefaction of gases, liquid states. The graphs of this chapter are equally important. Make sure to understand and practice the graphs to excel the chapter.

10. Chapter 4- Chemical bonding and molecule structure: The topics like the prediction of structure, shape and geometry are important in this chapter. The other important topics that you may consider are Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, Lewis structure, VSEPR theory, Polar character of covalent bond, Covalent character of ionic bond, Valence bond theory, Resonance, the bond parameters, hydrogen bond, the geometry of covalent molecules, Concept of hybridization, involving s, p and d orbitals, and shapes of some simple molecules, Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules.

11. Chapter 3- Classification of elements and periodicity in properties: It is important to understand all trends in periodic properties because many reasoning-based questions can be asked in the exam from this topic. The other important topics are the modern periodic law and present form of the periodic table, the electron gain enthalpy, the Nomenclature of elements with atomic numbers greater than 100, and electronegativity.

12. Chapter 2- Structure of atom: This chapter contains information regarding the basics of the atom. Here are some topics that you can focus more on such as rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Bohr’s model and its limitations, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, and de Broglie’s relationship. Bohr’s atomic model is very important for your exam, understand and learn it properly. This chapter needs practice for scoring well.

13. Chapter1-Some basic concepts of chemistry: This is the first and the most important chapter for clearing the basics and building the foundation for your other chapters of chemistry. The topics that hold importance in this chapter are- scientific notations and chemical equations, laws of chemical combination, empirical and molecular masses, atoms and molecules, Dalton’s atomic theory, Mole concept and molar mass, atomic and molecular masses.

The above-mentioned topics of all the chapters are important with the point of view of the exam. Practice and prepare well and you shall succeed. Good luck!


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