What Kind Of Foundation Does A Full Basement Have?


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The foundation is the most important thing in a house. It is necessary not only for strength but also for the happiness, peace, and development of the house. Whenever the foundation is made, some things must be established in it and what should be the direction of excavation and filling. Foundation is the main support component of any building structure. It is the lowest part of the building that is in contact with the soil and transfers all structural load safely to the soil. Without a foundation, you cannot see skyscrapers being built anywhere in the world. There are different types of foundations used in construction depending on the nature of the work. In this article, let’s know about What kind of foundation does a full basement has?

What Kind Of Foundation Does A Full Basement Have

What Is Home Foundation?

The foundation is the most important element of the building, which determines the duration of its operation. If the foundation of a house has cracked, then, most likely, the type of this structure was chosen incorrectly. Cracks in the base of a house in the future will lead to the emergency state of its walls and other elements. This situation can be prevented if we take into account all the points that can affect the reliability and durability of the foundation of a house.

Types Of Foundation:

Foundation is a part of the structure that is in direct contact with the ground and transfers the load to the ground on which it stands. Footings transfer vertical load, horizontal load, moments, and other loads to the ground. As a result, it is a very important part of the structure as it is designed to safely transfer the load of the structure over the appropriate area of soil. See below the different types of foundations. You can also refer to this article regarding various waterproofing techniques.

Basement Foundation:

A building with a basement or cellar needs a recessed base. When determining the required depth, it is important to take into account not only the characteristics of the house but also factors such as the level of groundwater and the characteristics of the soil. Such calculations are usually carried out by professional builders. When all the calculations have been made, a choice is made in favor of one or another version of the foundation. A conventional foundation will not provide the necessary protection for a house, while a slab foundation has a large area for load distribution and guarantees the stability of the building. Also you can use underpinning for stability. This is especially important for a home with a basement.

Slab Foundation:

A slab foundation is one of the most reliable foundations for a building. The technology of its construction does not require complex lifting equipment, so work without obstacles can be carried out independently. Before starting construction, you must carefully study the issue. Further, all layers are considered separately and the technology of their device.

The slab foundation should be very even, at least six inches thick in the center and about two feet around the perimeter. When using a thinner base, the slab foundation will not be stable, so it is not a foundation to hang from.

Columnar Foundations:

Columnar foundations are used in cases where the arrangement of a heavier strip foundation is impractical. For example, if the building is light and the load on the foundation is less than the standard. The columnar foundation consists of pillars with a pitch of 2.5 – 3 m, located along the entire perimeter of the building under the load-bearing walls and under the internal walls and intersections of the walls. On top of the pillars, a grillage must be made, which can be made of concrete, timber, or channels.

Crawl Space Foundation:

The Crawl Space Foundation is a foundation with concrete walls and a floor. The walls are at least 18 inches above ground level with access to this area after the home is installed. Plumbing is usually installed on this site.

The Crawl Space foundations will have a flat concrete slab but are built up with concrete walls and sometimes wooden walls as well as footers. They have enough room for someone to crawl through them to fix the problems below.

Wood Foundation:

Wooden house building, widespread in our country from time immemorial, is now gaining its former popularity again. Of course, a high-quality foundation is also needed for wooden buildings. What are the foundations for a wooden house depending primarily on the weight? After all, wooden buildings can be erected from a bar or a solid log, be one- or multi-story, revetted with heavy materials, etc. And yet the main types of foundations of a house made of wood are pile, columnar, and strip with shallow deepening. They are inexpensive, easy to implement, and are appropriate for lightweight buildings, which are wooden houses.


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