What to Look for Before Buying a Used Car?


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Due to the current economic conditions, buying used cars has become the main option for most of the people who live in the United States. There are a few things to keep in mind when buying used cars in Yakima.

What to Look for Before Buying a Used Car

While the list of used car problems goes on and on, below is a list of the most common problems to watch out for when buying used cars in any state or city.


Always look for signs of engine overheating. You can ask the dealer if the car has a history of overheating, but they will most likely be insincere about it. The best way to know if an engine is susceptible to overheating is to open the radiator cap. Remember that the radiator cap should only be opened when the engine is completely cold.

With the radiator cap open, look at the coolant. It should be filled to the brim and free of grease, debris, oil, or any other imperfections. If coolant is leaking from a sealed system, there is a leak somewhere in the radiator. This can cause the coolant to leak and catch fire from a hot engine. Over time, burned coolant will build up in the engine, affecting its life and causing it to overheat.

Dirty engine

Before buying used cars in Yakima, be sure to check the oil in the car. Add oil up to the upper mark on the dipstick. The oil should be golden brown or slightly lighter in color. If the oil turns out to be black or very dark, it means that the car has a very dirty engine. A dirty engine will consume oil much faster, so more frequent trips to the mechanic will be required for maintenance work.

Keep it cool

When taking a used car for a test drive, be sure to take it on a longer trip. Watch the temperature gauge and make sure it is pointing towards the “cold” side. Vehicles in poor condition can heat up very quickly.


Always remember to check if the frame of the car is rusty. Rust on the car body and surface is easy to deal with. However, severe rust or deterioration can lead to frame weakening and unsafe riding. Be sure to check the floor pan where the driver is sitting, as this area rusts very quickly. This is because the steel is exposed to a lot of water and salt from the driver’s shoes.

Low noise

A common problem with vehicles in poor condition is the sound they make during operation. This sound usually indicates a more serious problem inside. There can be many different types of sounds and they can all indicate different problems. If you hear an unexpected sound, make a note and discuss it with the owner or expert.

Looking matters

When buying a used car, many may ask you not to consider the appearance of any flaws at all. While the point of view is correct, the appearance of the car cannot simply be ignored. This is the face of your possession.

The appearance of the car can also give you a clue about the maintenance of the car. People who love their cars keep them in good shape, so not only the details are preserved, but also the appearance of the car.


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