How to Clean Vinyl Siding The Right Way


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Vinyl siding is one of the most popular sidings for homes of all sizes and shapes. It is more cost-effective than alternatives. Vinyl siding is a durable, versatile, and resilient building material, but it requires some care and cleaning. Cleaning vinyl siding is an easy job, and there is a wide variety of products that clean tough stains on vinyl siding.

How to Clean Vinyl Siding The Right Way

If you have lost your best gas pressure washer and want to clean your siding by hand. Cleaning siding by hand added benefit to great precision. You can clean your siding by using these three easy steps, and make your siding a new look.

1. Clean dirt, dust and grim

First of all clean all dirt, dust and grim by using a soft cloth and a good brush. Attach a handheld brush to a pole with the help of duct-tape to clean your siding.

2. Making solution for cleaning vinyl siding

To clean your vinyl siding, you can use a cleaner or can make a solution in your home by the following easy steps. Below are the steps for making a variety of solutions, you can use to clean your vinyl siding.

  • Vinegar solution: use 30%vinegar with 70% of water for all-purpose cleaning. It can remove light mold and mildew stains from your siding.
  • Bleach solution: mix a third of a cup of laundry detergent, two-thirds of a cup of household powered cleaner, and one quart of laundry bleach in one gallon of water. You can use this solution to clean mold on your siding.
  • Oxygen bleach solution: mix one cup of oxygen bleach in one gallon of water. Oxygen bleach will prevent your landscape from damage.
  • Green cleaning product: you can use a green cleaning product to avoid damaging soil in your flowers and vegetable buds on your lawn.
  • Soapy solution: you can use a soapy solution only. By adding a couple of squirts of dish detergent in a five-gallon bucket of water, when your siding is only moderately dirty.

3. Cleaning steps

Use a wire brush to clean mildew and tough stains on your siding. Outdoor cleaning wand has a long brush attached to it that connects to the garden hose, this will be a great alternative to a power washer and offer more cleaning precision.

Start cleaning your siding from bottom to top. Use a small square area for cleaning. If you have a two or three-story house, you will need a ladder to clean your siding.

4. Scrub the siding

Walk around the siding and take a look where dirt and grime stains are remaining. Scrub with a soft cloth or bristle brush to remove stains. Apply the cleaning solution in these areas again and scrub hard with a soft cloth or bristle brush more times until it looks clean.

5. Rinse off your siding

When you finish scrubbing, and all mold and mildew stains are removed, you can rinse your siding with water. The last step of your cleaning. Use fresh water to rinse off your vinyl siding. For this purpose, you can use a garden hose as well as bucket water.


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