Trigger Thumb Splints: How to Recognize the Symptoms and Treat Them the Right Way


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Trigger Finger is one of those medical conditions that impede your daily life. However, the trigger finger is also a medical condition that is easy to resolve with a proper treatment plan.

In most cases, you can remove the effects of the trigger finger by wearing trigger thumb splints.

However, to get the most out of thumb splints, you need a proper treatment plan.

What is Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a medical condition you recognize by the inability to bend your fingers. This medical condition creates an uncomfortable and painful sensation in the hand and finger.

It occurs due to repetitive tasks and injuries. In less severe cases of trigger finger, a patient may move the fingers with some discomfort. In the more severe cases of the medical condition, the finger stays locked in a position.

For less severe cases, treatment includes rest, wearing thumb splints, and some medication. For more severe cases, you may need steroid injections and even surgery.

It all depends on the anatomy of your hand and the pressure you suffer from daily tasks.

Trigger Finger Medical Condition

To understand why trigger finger condition happens, you need to know a thing or two about hand anatomy. The hand has a lot of tendons that allow you to move your fingers.

Such tendons are the flexor tendons. Flexor tendons are cord-like structures that attach the muscles of the forearm to the bones of the fingers.

When the muscle contracts, it’s the flexor tendons that allow fingers to move. Flexor tendons reside in the tunnel called the tendon sheath.

Along the tendon sheats, there are bands of tissue called pulleys. Moving the finger requires a tendon needs to pass through the pulleys.

The A1 pulley that resides at the base of the finger is prone to the trigger finger condition. Once the A1 pulley becomes inflamed and thick, a doctor may diagnose a trigger finger medical condition.

Trigger Finger Symptoms

Sometimes, an injury may help the progress of the trigger finger condition. However, trigger finger medical condition often happens without previous injury. But, extensive hand use always precedes the development of trigger finger condition.

Trigger finger symptoms are:

  • A tender lump at the base of the finger
  • A catching, popping or locking sensation during finger movement
  • Pain when you bend the finger

Stiffness is the key symptom of this medical condition. In the beginning, the stiffness won’t interfere much with your daily activities. However, as the medical condition progress, the stiffness becomes more apparent until it completely locks the finger.

So, as soon as you notice a lump on your finger or a palm, visit the doctor. And, even if your fingers feel stiff for more than a week, go to the doctor. Then, you may start the treatment.

Trigger Finger Treatment

The treatment for trigger finger condition includes rest, wearing a splint, and taking medication. For severe cases of medical condition, you need surgery or steroid injections.

The good thing about this medical condition is that you can treat it through rest. For the less severe cases, a doctor may propose rest and give you a trigger thumb splint to wear.

The trigger thumb splint prevents unnecessary finger movement, reducing the strain on the pulleys.

But, if your finger remains locked in position, then you need surgery and injections. Surgery is the fastest way to resolve this medical condition. Steroid injections help to revitalize the finger and give it strength after long periods of inactivity.

Regardless of your medical case, the chances are that you have to wear trigger thumb splints.

Trigger Thumb Splints

Trigger thumb splint is medical equipment with a simple build and clear purpose. It has the primary part that wraps around the hand to ensure proper positioning. And, it has a strap that lifts your finger and prevents unnecessary movement.

While this splint type looks simple, it offers many different models. The purpose of the splint remains the same, but materials and features differ.

Unless you have a severe case of the trigger finger, you can get by with simpler and cheaper splint models.


The basic premise of the trigger finger splint remains the same. You have a strap attached to a glove-like compartment to fit your hand. All models are variations on this concept.

Some models offer more protection and compression than others. These models are excellent for severe cases of the disease, as they hold the finger after the surgery.

Other models rely on light construction. People wear them for less severe cases to rest their fingers and avoid unnecessary stress to the pulley.


Then, you want to look at the materials. A trigger thumb splint needs to be breathable and light. You want to avoid skin irritation and excessive sweating.

Also, look for models that use material mashes instead of a single-material composition. With more materials, there are more features to utilize.

Research models to find those that fit your medical condition and lifestyle the best. With trigger thumb splints, you can rest knowing that the inflammation and pain stops.

However, listening to the doctor’s advice and following treatment plans is also necessary. While trigger thumb splints can help you through the treatment, each case is different.

So, visit the doctor immediately, and get a trigger thumb splint that fits your body.

Get Trigger Thumb Splints

Trigger finger is a medical condition you can solve within weeks. But, you can only solve it with the right treatment plan. Talk to your doctor and ensure that he recommends you wear trigger thumb splints.

It’s a small addition to your treatment that makes a big difference. Get your treatment plan right.


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