Back Surgery Recovery And Telemedicine Follow-Ups


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How to Get All Your Concerns Addressed

Telemedicine is a buzzword that seems to be all over the place these days, largely due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Because of the coronavirus, many patients are unable to go into a healthcare setting for basic consultations. Telemedicine has been lifesaving (literally, in some cases) solutions for many of these patients. Did you know that telemedicine is available for back surgery follow-ups as well? Here is how telemedicine can help you recover from back surgery.

Back Surgery Recovery And Telemedicine Follow-Ups

The Need For Telemedicine After Back Surgery

Even routine back surgery requires a long recovery period. During this period, patients might be more susceptible to complications from the coronavirus (and other infections). This is why TeleMedicine Georgia is essential to patients who are recovering from back surgery. That said, telemedicine would still be advisable for patients recovering from back surgery even if the coronavirus weren’t in the picture. There are several reasons for this:

  • People recovering from back surgery may have a hard time finding transportation to an appointment
  • People recovering from back surgery may be in too much pain to leave their house
  • People recovering from back surgery may need to limit their movement/physical activity

As you can see, it makes perfect sense for patients who are recovering from back surgery to use telemedicine for follow-up appointments.

What Happens In A Follow-Up Visit

Let’s say you are recovering from a recent minimally invasive back surgery Dallas, TX. What happens during the follow-up appointment, exactly? After most back surgeries, you will be required to see a doctor about a month to six weeks after the surgery, then every few months after that for about two years. The goal of the follow-up visit is to see how your back is healing after the surgery. Many of the consultations that happen during these follow-up appointments can happen via telemedicine.

How To Prepare For A Telemedicine Appointment

If you are going to the doctor for an in-person follow-up after back surgery, you need to do several things to prepare for your appointment. The same is true for telemedicine appointments. So how do you prepare for a telemedicine appointment following back surgery? Preparation may differ depending on your doctor and your medical situation, but the checklist below has some preparation items that are common to most remote follow-up appointments.

For one, you want to make sure that you have the right technology for the appointment. You should be able to use a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Whatever device you decide to use should have speakers (or a headphone jack) and a microphone so that you can communicate with your doctor. It is a good idea to test this equipment beforehand. It is also a good idea to test your internet connection beforehand. As with any type of follow-up appointment, come prepared to talk about your symptoms and medications. Your follow-up visit is where you will address any concerns you have about your recovery. You can even invite family members/caregivers to join the call if you think it would be helpful. Doctors are also learning how to treat their patients with ‘webside manner’ training; COVID-19 definitely has changed we approach many things.


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