Looking After an Occupational Hearing Loss is Necessary for Workers


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The occupational hearing loss is one of the common health issues in the word. It can occur in different ways. Most of the employees are unaware so they are losing their hearing. The prevention of the hearing loss is critical for the workers. The Hearing Loss occurs as the result of the occupational hazards like ototoxic chemical, noise and others. The noise is the common exposure in a lot of the workspace.

Looking After an Occupational Hearing Loss is Necessary for Workers

The long-term explore to the level of noise more than 80 dB carries the raised risk of the hearing loss. The occupation hearing loss is preventable. The Calipsonic ENT Specialist & Hearing Aids Center helps you to protect from the occupational hearing loss. The specialist Dr. Ramesh Oza provides detailed information about the occupational hearing loss for workers. Working in a noisy atmosphere causes the hearing loss.

Jobs carry the risk of hearing loss:

In the today workforce, more than 10 million people are exposed to the loud noise. Most of the people undergo from the avoidable hearing loss due to the high noise of workplace. The short-term loud noise can also cause the temporary changes in the hearing in your ear. The repeated experience to the loud noise can direct to the direct the hearing loss.

Some of the jobs carry the high risk of the hearing loss such as construction work, airline ground maintenance, farming, machinery, military jobs, jobs connecting loud music, aircraft noise and other loud noise jobs. The loud noised in the work environment can cause physical stress, improved the injury chance, reduce productivity and others.

The hearing loss occurs for different reasons such as ear diseases like as Ménière’s disease and others, hereditary factors, the ageing process, sensitivity factors, exposure to loud noise and others. The employers must protect their workers to prevent the hearing loss problems and implement the prevention of hearing loss program.

Hearing loss prevention program:

Too much of noise exposure can damage the hair cells in the ear. The results of this damage are permanent, tinnitus of the ears, sensorineural hearing loss and others. On the workspace, the hazardous noise experience can occur, but it also available in the recreational activities. The hearing loss prevention needs the diligence to situations where the hearing can be lost. The risk for the hearing loss due to loud noise exposure is especially in the transportation workers, farmers, heavy industry workers, military personnel, police officers, and others. If the noise level decreases in the workspace then the risk of hearing loss also decreases. It is advisable to seek assistance and guidance from a reputable hearing aid store if you experience any symptoms or concerns related to your hearing.

The Calipsonic ENT Specialist & Hearing Aids Center has an experienced specialist to provide the best service. The specialists arrange the best hearing loss prevention program to the workers that help them to protect from the hearing loss. The important components to the prevention of hearing loss program include hearing protection of practical step, monitoring of noise exposure, audiometric evaluation, engineering control and much more. This program helps the employee to get tips for preventing the hearing loss in the workplace.


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